It is imperative that Trainers and Bookmakers ensure persons that work for them (including occasional work and unpaid work/volunteers) have lodged licence renewals by 31 October 2017. From 1 November, Stewards will be checking licences at racedays, trackwork and trials. Any persons unregistered from that date renders the Trainer or Bookmaker liable to penalty under the Rules of Racing. Racing NSW in conjunction with Racing Australia introduced last season the ability for licence renewals to be completed online via the Single National System (SNS). The SNS is now delivering to the Thoroughbred industry nationally the capacity to provide participants with core industry functions on-line rather than completing paper based forms. The online system to renew 2017/18 Stablehand, Foreperson and Bookmaker’s Clerk licences is now activated and available. Current licences for these categories expire on 31 October 2017 and must be renewed before that date. Staff who renewed their licence online last season or have an individual email address registered with Racing NSW: Staff who renewed their licence online last season or who have an individual email address registered with Racing NSW will be sent an email advising of the process to renew their licence. Those that do not have an individual email address registered with Racing NSW: Whilst the high majority have an individual email registered and will receive the email mentioned above, those that do not have an email registered will be required to register their email address and open a UserReg account by clicking on the following link: As the system relies on the use of an individual email address, it is most important that the User does not use an address that may also be used by another licensed person or that of their employing Trainer or Bookmaker as this address will be registered to them and used to operate their own accounts, including to sign off on staff renewals. Once the User has created an account they will receive an email which will provide them with further advice on the process to renew their licence.
As per the paper based applications, Trainers and Bookmakers are required to review and confirm their agreement to register each licensee that has nominated them as their Trainer or Employing Bookmaker. Once the licensee has completed their part of the renewal, an email will be sent to the Trainer/Bookmaker with advice on how to complete this process. Trainers will do so via their Stable Assist Account., Bookmakers by their UserReg Accounts. Those Trainers who do not have a Stable Assist Account, please contact Racing Australia Trainers and Racing Services by phone on 1800 138 704 to create a new account. Bookmakers who do not have a UserReg account should contact Racing Australia Service Centre on 1800 954 143 for assistance. Licensees who were registered to another Trainer or Bookmaker last season, will have the opportunity to amend their Trainer/Bookmaker through this process.
Payment can be made by credit or debit card by the Stablehand/Foreperson/Bookmakers Clerk or deferred to the Employer who will have the opportunity to make bulk payments as part of the sign off of renewals. Trainers or Bookmakers will only be able to submit payment for those licensees who have completed their part of the renewal process.
A renewing Stablehand/Foreperson or Bookmakers Clerk will be sent an email advising of the current status of their renewal at each step of this process. They can also view the current status of their application by accessing their UserReg account. Should you require more information or have any questions regarding the renewal process, please contact Racing NSW at or on (02) 9551 7500
A written ‘Step by Step’ User guide as well as a Video Renewal guide have been developed to assist with this process and are available by clicking on the category below. Bookmakers Clerk User Guide Stablehand & Forepersons User Guide
Please also note that initially the online process is a renewal process only, available to those persons who were registered in full last season. It will not be available to new applicants, those persons who are currently permitted to operate under an interim license whilst we are awaiting receipt of their National Police Certificate, or those who were not licensed during the 2016/17 season and are returning after an absence. These persons will be required to print the relevant form from our website, complete and submit by usual methods.
Trainers & Bookmakers should not presume that their staff will commence this process without their prompting and staff may need to be reminded or provided with assistance to complete this process.