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Use of Altrenogest Products In Fillies And Mares

On 22 June 2018, Racing NSW provided notice to the industry in respect to the detection of trace levels of the anabolic steroid trendione and/or trenbolone in certain batches of veterinary prescription animal remedies containing the progestagen altrenogest, used to control the cyclic activity of fillies and mares. Racing NSW advised that until further notice, that trainers in NSW should not administer injectable products containing altrenogest and should avoid using oral altrenogest products within one clear day of racing.

After considering scientific and veterinary opinions, the Board of Racing NSW approved the introduction of NSW Local Rule of Racing 44A, which provides Racing NSW with a discretion to find the provisions of AR175(h)(ii), AR177, AR177A, AR177B, AR178 and AR178H do not apply should nonconsequential trace levels of trendione and/or trenbolone, together with altrenogest, be detected in a sample at any time.

Racing NSW Chief Executive Mr Peter V’landys AM said:

“The use of altrenogest products in fillies and mares has been permitted in racing for many years. Its use helps alleviate work, health and safety issues as well as ensuring that all horses race consistently. Given the insignificant trace levels found in these oral substances and having regard to advanced testing equipment used by the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory and the fact that it’s so miniscule it has no effect on the horses performance, the Board has introduced the local rule 44A to safeguard the NSW racing industry by allowing fillies and mares to continue to be administered oral altrenogest.”

The introduction of LR44A is effective immediately.

LR44A - When a blood or urine sample taken at any time from a filly or mare has detected in it trenbolone, trendione or epitrenbolone below a mass concentration of 1 microgram per litre, together with altrenogest, it is open to Racing NSW (or the Stewards exercising powers delegated to them) to find that the provisions of AR.175(h)(ii), AR.177, AR177A, AR177B, AR.178 and/or AR.178H do not apply if, on the basis of the evidence available to them, they are satisfied that the detected level of trenbolone, trendione or epitrenbolone in the sample was caused by contamination of the active ingredient altrenogest administered in accordance with the Rules of Racing and advice published by Racing NSW.

Trainers are advised that they should continue not to use injectable products containing altrenogest and not use oral altrenogest products within one clear day of racing until further notice.

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