An appeal by co-trainers Mrs Barbara Joseph, Mr Paul Jones and Mr Matthew Jones on the grounds of severity of penalty following a period of suspension issued by Canberra Racing Club Stewards at an inquiry conducted on 26 June 2019 in relation to a breach under AR231(1)(b)(iii), was yesterday set down for hearing before the Australian Capital Territory Racing Appeals Tribunal.
The breach related to a failure by the Training Partnership to provide veterinary treatment to the four-year old entire I Am Rocky, where such treatment was necessary. A necropsy report tendered in evidence revealed that the horse died from a colitis related illness.
Under the provisions of Rule 8 of the Racing Appeals Tribunal (Rules of the Tribunal) 2018 (No 1) and following submissions from both parties, being the appellants and the respondents and by mutual consent, the Tribunal made the following orders:
The orders of the Tribunal will take effect from Thursday, 8 August 2019 with the periods of suspension of Mrs Barbara Joseph, Mr Paul Jones Mr Matthew Jones to commence from that day.