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Licensed Stablehand/Trackwork Rider Ms Sophie Maynes Suspended For Six Months

Racing NSW Stewards today opened an inquiry into analyst’s findings relative to a urine sample provided by licensed stablehand/trackwork rider Ms Sophie Maynes at Tamworth Racecourse on 30 July 2024.

On 30 August 2024, Ms Maynes was stood down after Stewards received the certified findings of the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) Analyst that the urine sample she provided was found, upon analysis, to contain a banned substance under AR136(1), greater than the cut-off.

A brief of evidence was tendered, and oral evidence was taken from Ms Maynes. Stewards considered the evidence and issued a charge under AR139(1)(a) as detailed below:

Charge: AR139 Offences where riders use banned substances

The details of the charge being that licensed stablehand/trackwork rider Ms Sophie Maynes provided a sample of her urine on the morning of 30 July 2024 at Tamworth Racecourse, which was found upon analysis to contain a banned substance under AR136(1), greater than the cut-off.

Plea: Guilty
Finding: Guilty


The following penalty considerations were taken into account -

- Guilty plea was entered at the earliest opportunity,

- Contrition shown by Ms Maynes and her willingness to accept responsibility for the breach,

- Personal and professional circumstances,

- Purpose of issuing penalties as a protective measure for the image, interests and welfare of the Thoroughbred racing industry.

Stewards determined that Ms Maynes’ license should be suspended for a period of 8 months. Having regard to her guilty plea and other relevant considerations, Stewards varied the penalty to 6 months, to commence on 30 August 2024, the day she was stood down, and to expire on 2 March 2025.

Furthermore, Ms Maynes was advised that should she provide evidence of having completed a period of satisfactory counselling, the penalty would be further varied to allow her to resume non-riding, stable hand duties on 30 December 2025.

Ms Maynes was notified that in accordance with AR139(4), she will be required to provide a urine sample free from any substances banned by AR136(1), prior to being permitted to resume duties.

Ms Maynes was advised of her appeal rights.

Relevant Rule

Division 6 – Banned substances offences for riders and horse handlers

AR 139 Offences where riders used banned substances

(1) A rider breaches these Australian Rules if:
 (a) a banned substance under AR 136(1) is detected in a sample taken from the rider
(4) If a rider incurs a penalty or is prevented by the Stewards from riding under this rule, the rider cannot resume riding until the period of the penalty has expired and a sample from the rider free of any banned substance under AR 136(1) has been delivered, as directed by the Stewards.

- J.P.W. Prior (Chief Steward-Hunter & North-West Racing Association, Racing NSW)

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