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Licensed Trainer Maree Hopkins Fined $1100

Racing NSW Stewards today issued penalties for charges issued against Ms Maree Hopkins arising out of an incident that occurred on 26 February 2024 at Nowra Racecourse.

The evidence established the following:

1. At the relevant times, Ms Hopkins was the trainer of thoroughbred horse Flying Dubawi.

2. Flying Dubawi was engaged in Race 4 (KNK Builders Country Boosted Maiden Handicap, 1400m).

3. On the date in question, Ms Hopkins was issued a reasonable direction by Stewards, to wit, to allow for a sample of blood to be taken from Flying Dubawi by a Registered Veterinarian. Over a period of approximately 28 minutes, Ms Hopkins continuously refused to comply with the direction.

4. Eventually, Ms Hopkins relented and allowed for a sample to be taken from Flying Dubawi prior to the race.

Accordingly, Stewards issued and determined the following charge:

Charges issued against Ms Maree Hopkins

Charge 1: AR232(c)(i)

The details of the charge being that, on 26 February 2024, while at Norwa Racecourse, she refused to obey a reasonable direction of the Stewards while they were exercising their powers.

Plea: Guilty
Finding: Guilty


The following penalty considerations were taken into account:

- Objective seriousness of the conduct,

- The plea of guilty at an early stage,

- The antecedents of Ms Hopkins,

- Principle of specific and general deterrence and what message is sent to the industry in respect to such conduct,

- Purpose of issuing penalties as a protective measure for the image, interests and welfare of the Thoroughbred racing industry.

While refusing a direction of the Stewards who are exercising their powers under the Rules of Racing is a serious matter, the Stewards are satisfied that Ms Hopkins offending was mitigated by the fact that she did eventually allow for the testing as directed.

Having regard to the circumstances of Ms Hopkins offence, Stewards determined the starting point for penalty be a fine of $1500. Appreciating Ms Hopkins' guilty plea, a $1100 fine was issued.

Under the powers of AR283(5), Stewards ordered that $700 of the penalty be stayed should Ms Hopkins not breach a conduct related rule for a period of 18 months.

- M.W. Cleaver (Operations Manager-Integrity, Racing NSW)

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