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Inquiry Into Judge's Placings - Race 7 At Sapphire Coast (31st July)

Racing NSW Stewards today conducted an inquiry into the Judge’s placings in Race 7 at Sapphire Coast on Sunday, 31 July 2023.

Evidence was taken via teleconference from Brett Lazzarini, trainer of Mancconi which was placed fourth, and evidence taken from Matthew Kelley, trainer of Starliv which was placed third and Official Judge Ms R. Debels.

Both trainers represented the interests of the owners of the respective horses during proceedings.

On the evidence it was established that, whilst the nose of Mancconi was obscured in the official photo finish image between the winner I Am Mighty and the runner-up Bracewell, the Official Judge had misinterpreted the positioning of the head of Mancconi from the mirror image and based on that observation, had formed the view that there was a comfortable margin between the nose of Starliv which was placed third and the estimated positioning of the nose of Mancconi which she placed fourth.

The Stewards considered the submissions made by Mr Lazzarini and concession by Mr Kelley that Mancconi had finished ahead of Starliv, along with the admission by the Official Judge that she had erred in her determination of the placings.

As the Stewards were satisfied that the head of Mancconi was partly visible in the Judge’s Official photo finish image which satisfied them that nose of Mancconi would have been sufficiently advanced past the nose of Starliv, Stewards found that the Judge had made a mistake in placing Starliv third and Mancconi fourth.

Under the provisions of AR214(4)(b) Stewards altered the placings to read:

1st: I Am Mighty
2nd: Bracewell
3rd: Mancconi
4th: Starliv

Under the provisions of AR214(6) the alteration to the Judge’s placings which occurred after correct weight will have no effect on previous orders given by the Stewards as to the betting on the race.















Relevant Rule

AR 214 Placings in a race to be determined by the Judge
(4) The determination of the Judge that a horse has won or been placed in a race is to be final, except:
(a) the Judge may correct any mistake before the riders of the placed horses have been weighed-in; and
(b) the Stewards may alter a determination made by the Judge either before or after a declaration of correct weight if the Stewards are satisfied on the available evidence (including prints or images) that the Judge has made a mistake in the determination of the finishing order of a race.
(6) No alterations to the Judge’s places after correct weight will have any effect on previous orders given by the Stewards as to betting on the race.

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