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Hearing Of Charges Against Licensed Trainer Craig Clegg

Racing NSW Stewards today considered submissions from Licensed Trainer Mr Craig Clegg following Mr Clegg being issued a charge under AR231(1)(b)(iii), on 23 July 2020.

Evidence today was taken from Licensed trainer Mr C Clegg, the Trainer of Precocious Girl and Dr R Bensley, Racing NSW Official Veterinarian/Welfare Officer. Further, written evidence was tendered from Racing NSW permitted veterinarian’s Dr P Steers and Dr T McElroy.

Charge 1 - Mr Clegg pleaded guilty to the charge under AR231(1)(b)(iii), in that he failed to provide necessary veterinary treatment to Precocious Girl between Thursday 16 July 2020 and Tuesday 21 July 2020, when Precocious Girl displayed clinical signs of choke.

Charge 2 - Mr Clegg pleaded guilty to a charge under AR229(1)(a), in that he as the trainer Of Precocious Girl he did act dishonestly by fabricating and providing treatment records for the days preceding the euthanasia of the racehorse Precocious Girl that was in his care, when he knew that those treatment records were not a true reflection of the regime that Precocious Girl received.

Charge 3 - Mr Clegg pleaded guilty to a charge under AR252(1), in that on 21 July 2020, he had in his possession at his premises the unregistered medication B.E.L.L drops, not registered under the relevant state and commonwealth legislation.

In considering penalty the Stewards took into account Mr Clegg’s guilty pleas and his unblemished disciplinary record established over 43 years in both the Thoroughbred and Harness racing industries. Further, the Stewards took into consideration his previous long-held engagement and service in an integrity position in the Harness Racing Industry.

Charge 1 - AR231(1)(b)(iii) - A penalty of 18 months disqualification was applied before allowing mitigation which reduced the penalty to 11 months disqualification. Mr Clegg was disqualified for a period to commence 23 July 2020, when he was subject to the provisions of AR23 and expire 23 June 2021.

Mr Clegg was told that he was allowed seven (7) days to make appropriate arrangements for the care and relocation of horses in his care and advised of his rights of appeal.

Charge 2 - AR229 (1)(a) - A penalty of 6 months disqualification was applied before allowing mitigation which reduced the penalty to a period of 3 months to be served cumulatively with the penalty incurred under AR231(b)(iii), to expire on 23 September 2021.

Mr Clegg was told that he was allowed seven (7) days to make appropriate arrangements for the care and relocation of horses in his care and advised of his rights of appeal.

Charge 3 - AR252(1), Mr Clegg was fined $200.

Relevant Rules
AR 231 Care and welfare of horses:
(1) A person must not
(b) if the person is in charge of a horse – fail at any time:
(iii) to provide veterinary treatment to the horse where such treatment is necessary for the horse.

AR 229 Corruption, Dishonesty and Misleading behaviour:
(1) A person must not:
(a) Engage in any dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent, improper or dishonourable action or practice in connection with racing.

AR252(1) Possession of medication / substances / preparation in breach of legislation
A person must not have in his or her possession or on his or her premises any medication, substance or preparation which has not been registered, labelled, prescribed, dispensed or obtained in accordance with applicable commonwealth and state legislation.

- Shane Cullen (Chairman of Stewards H&NWRA)

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