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COVID-19 Protocols - Stay at Home Orders - Jockey Zones

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants

27 June 2021

NSW COVID-19 - Stay At Home Orders

In response to NSW Government orders requiring persons located or that have been in the Greater Sydney Area (which includes the Hawkesbury, Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange)) to stay at home until 11:59pm on 9 July 2021, unless for an essential reason, Racing NSW has implemented the following updated protocols to ensure the ongoing conduct of the NSW Thoroughbred Racing Industry during the pandemic.

The reasons persons may leave their home include:

  • Essential work, or education, where you cannot work or study from home.
  • Shopping for food or other essential goods and services;
  • Medical care or compassionate needs (people can leave home to have a COVID-19 vaccination unless you have been identified as a close contact);
  • Exercise outdoors in groups of 10 or fewer;

Attendance by Essential Personnel at race meetings, barrier trials, jump outs, trackwork and licensed premises is considered to be essential work.

These protocols are to be read in conjunction with previous notices and are in addition to the restrictions imposed by the NSW Government. All racing participants should ensure that they regularly review the NSW Government announcements and adhere to any applicable restrictions – see following link.


  • Any person that has been to the venues listed in the link below must follow NSW Health Orders and where applicable, get tested and self-isolate as directed. Further, those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises (even for work purposes) until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All Essential Personnel (officials, jockeys, trainers, stablehands, media and service providers) must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

  • Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) to be worn by all persons including Essential Personnel and patrons (where permitted) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted throughout NSW.
  • N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.
  • Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) to be worn by all Essential Personnel in attendance on a racecourse or whilst working on licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area. This includes race meetings, trackwork, jump outs and barrier trials.
  • Jockey Zones are implemented into two regions for race meetings and barrier trials,
    • 1. Greater Sydney Area and
    • 2. Non-Greater Sydney Area.

Jockeys are required to advise Racing NSW by no later than Monday 28 June 2021 which region they intend to ride in. Greater Sydney Area includes all metropolitan tracks, Hawkesbury, Gosford, Wyong and Kembla Grange. All other racecourses are in the Non-Greater Sydney Area. Zones will be in place until such time that Racing NSW determines.

Should the zones continue beyond the stay-at-home order period (currently 11:59pm 9 July 2021) the Wyong meeting scheduled for Saturday 10 July 2021 will be transferred to Newcastle and the Kembla Grange meeting scheduled for 17 July 2021 will be transferred to Goulburn. The Goulburn meeting scheduled for 19 July 2021 will be transferred to Nowra. Early notice will be provided if these meetings are to be transferred.

  • Maintaining of jockey/official zones on raceday.
  • Jockeys rooms and indoor areas a limit of one person per 4 square metres.
  • Owners prohibited from attending race meetings, barrier trials, trackwork, jump outs and licensed premises (trainers stables) in the Greater Sydney Area, including Hawkesbury, the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange).


  1. Until further notice, Jockey Zones are implemented into two regions for race meetings and barrier trials,
  • Greater Sydney Area and
  • Non-Greater Sydney Area.

Jockeys are required to advise Racing NSW by no later than Monday 28 June 2021 which region they intend to ride in. Greater Sydney Area includes all metropolitan tracks, Hawkesbury, Gosford, Wyong and Kembla Grange. All other racecourses are in the Non-Greater Sydney Area. Zones will be in place until such time that Racing NSW determines.

Should the zones continue beyond the stay-at-home order period (currently 11:59pm 9 July 2021) the Wyong meeting scheduled for Saturday 10 July 2021 will be transferred to Newcastle and the Kembla Grange meeting scheduled for 17 July 2021 will be transferred to Goulburn. The Goulburn meeting scheduled for 19 July 2021 will be transferred to Nowra. Early notice will be provided if these meetings are to be transferred.

  1. Jockeys may continue to ride trackwork (not jump outs) outside their nominated zone subject to adhering to NSW Government orders, ensuring they wear face masks (N95 or surgical) at all times and adhere to strict bio-security and social distancing practices. Jockeys who reside outside the Greater Sydney Area and elect to ride trackwork in the Greater Sydney Area are subject to stay at home orders except when attending work.
  2. All jockeys must wear face masks (N95 or surgical) during race meetings and barrier trials conducted in NSW, however may lower the face mask if they wish whilst riding a horse when competing. Jockeys must wear face masks (N95 or surgical) when riding trackwork in the Greater Sydney Area, however, may lower the face mask if they wish whilst riding a horse in training.
  3. At all NSW race meetings jockeys rooms to comply with NSW Health requirements of one person per 4 square metres for indoor spaces.
  4. Any jockey experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms, must not attend the racecourse, contact their local Stewards and get tested.
  5. Upon arrival on course, jockeys must not enter the jockey’s room until their temperature has been checked and verified within normal parameters. Jockey must sanitize their hands before entering the jockey’s room and have a face mask on at all times when in the jockey’s room.
  6. A jockey experiencing an elevated temperature will be given the opportunity to have a further temperature assessment 15 minutes following the first assessment.
  7. Should the rider’s temperature remain elevated he or she will not be permitted to enter the jockey’s room and shall be required to leave the racecourse. A medical clearance to the satisfaction of Racing NSW will be required before riding again.
  8. Once in the jockey’s room, wherever possible, jockeys will be required to segregate a minimum of at least 1.5 metres apart and wear a face mask at all times. Jockey’s rooms shall be divided into multiple rooms at the direction of the Stewards.
  9. Whenever possible, between races jockeys should use hand sanitizers provided by the club. All gear should be cleaned/disinfected between races.
  10. Direct contact between other jockeys and persons should be avoided at all costs and maintain social distancing (1.5 metres apart) from all persons.
  11. Should any rider feel unwell or experience any of the symptoms of COVID-19 throughout the day, they must advise the Stewards who will obtain medical assistance.
  12. Once a jockey has fulfilled their final engagement, they should thoroughly clean/disinfect gear, shower and leave the jockeys room and racecourse immediately.
  13. The use of spas on all racecourses is prohibited until further notice.
  14. The use of dedicated persons wearing face masks (N95 or surgical) and gloves to ‘leg up’ jockeys shall continue.

Essential Personnel (other than jockeys)

  1. Essential Personnel (other than jockeys) that reside inside the Greater Sydney Area may continue to work at race meetings and barrier trials outside the Greater Sydney Area subject adhering to NSW Government orders, ensuring they wear face masks (N95or surgical) at all times and adhere to strict bio-security and social distancing practices.
  2. Essential Personnel (other than jockeys) that reside outside the Greater Sydney Area may continue to work at race meetings and barrier trials inside the Greater Sydney Area subject to adhering to NSW Government orders, ensuring they wear face masks (N95 or surgical) at all times and adhere to strict bio-security and social distancing practices. However, such persons will be subject to stay-at-home orders when returning to outside to Greater Sydney Area, except for work purposes.
  3. Essential Personnel that reside outside the Greater Sydney Area, but were in the Greater Sydney Area from 21 June 2021 are subject to stay-at-home orders, except for designated purposes including essential work. This applies to Essential Personnel residing outside the Greater Sydney Area who attended any of the following race meetings: Hawkesbury 22 June 2021, Canterbury 23 June 2021, Kembla Grange 24 June 2021 and Rosehill Gardens 26 June 2021.

Race Clubs and Meetings

  1. Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) to be worn by all persons, including Essential Personnel and patrons (where applicable) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted in NSW except when eating or drinking (as set out in the NSW Health Orders).
  2. Only Essential Personnel are permitted to attend racecourses and licensed premises in the Greater Sydney Area, including Hawkesbury, the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange).
  3. The operation of jockey and officials’ zones from other industry participants will remain in force at all NSW race meetings.
  4. Outside the Greater Sydney Area, race clubs may continue to allow patrons (including owners) to attend race meetings but must ensure proper separation from Essential Personnel and wearing face masks (N9 or surgical). Race clubs should continue to monitor the NSW Government website at the following link, to ensure compliance with any orders that are in place which currently limited indoor spaces to one person every 4 square metres outside the Greater Sydney Area.

Trackwork, Jump Outs, Barrier Trials and Licensed Premises (Greater Sydney Area)

  1. Only Essential Personnel and Officials are permitted to attend barrier trials, trackwork, jump outs and licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area, including Hawkesbury, the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange) until further notice. Face masks (N95 or surgical) must be worn at all times.
  2. Owners are not permitted to attend barrier trials, trackwork, jump outs and licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area.
  3. Trainers in the Greater Sydney Area, including Hawkesbury, the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange) should ensure they continue to implement their COVIDSafe plans including the checking of staff temperatures on arrival and requiring staff to wear face masks (N95 or surgical) at trackwork, jump outs and whilst at licensed premises or stables.

Persons Travelling from Victoria

Persons that have been to a Victorian Public Exposure Site during the relevant periods listed at the link below, are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until they complete the necessary self-isolation period, provide Racing NSW with the results of a negative COVID-19 test and receive approval from Racing NSW to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises. Persons who have attended these sites and plan on attending a NSW racecourse or licensed premises must report such attendance to Racing NSW Stewards.

Horses Travelling from Victoria

The requirement for horses travelling from Victoria to not travel directly to a NSW racecourse or licensed premises has been lifted subject to the persons transporting such horses not having been to a Victorian Public Exposure Site as listed above.


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