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Licensed Trainer And Licensed Stablehand/Owner Disqualified

Racing NSW Stewards conducted an inquiry and hearing of charges issued against licensed trainer Dean Boal and licensed stablehand and registered owner Kylie Taylor following admissions made by themselves during an interview with Racing NSW Stewards on Friday, 24 July 2020 which included a breach of Racing NSW COVID-19 policy.

During the interview, it was established that Ms. Taylor had not completed a 14-day isolation period after entering New South Wales and attended the Narrandera Racing Club's meeting on Sunday, 19 July 2020.

Furthermore, Racing NSW Stewards also inquired into the evidence provided by Mr. Boal and Ms. Taylor during interviews conducted with Racing NSW Senior investigator Ms. J Johnstone and during today’s inquiry in respect to an investigation surrounding registered racehorse Humdrum being entered to race at the Leeton Jockey Club's meeting on Monday, July 27 2020.

It was established during the inquiry the horse had travelled into New South Wales and arrived at Mr. Boal’s temporarily Tocumwal based stable after 8 July 2020.


Mr. Dean Boal

Charge 1:
AR 227(b) – Party to another person who commits, a breach of the Rules Mr.Boal was a party to a breach of AR232(b) by Ms. Kylie Taylor, in that on 19 July 2020, he did employ Ms. Kylie Taylor to assist you with his duties at the Narrandera Race Club on 19 July 20, when Ms. Taylor had not completed the 14 days self-isolation period after travelling from Victoria , in accordance with the COVID-19 directions issued by Racing NSW.

Plea: Guilty

Charge 2:
AR 232(i) False and Misleading Evidence, in that Mr. Boal did provide false and misleading evidence to Stewards during an investigation into a breach of Racing NSW COVID-19 policy.

Plea: Guilty

Ms. Kylie Taylor

Charge 1:
AR232(b) Fail to comply with a direction or requirement of Stewards, in that Ms Taylor did attend the Narrandera Race Club's meeting on 19 July 2020, when she had not completed the 14 days self-isolation period after traveling from Victoria in accordance with the COVID-19 Directions issued by Racing NSW.

Plea: Guilty

Charge 2:
AR 232(i) False and Misleading Evidence, in that Ms Taylor did provide false and misleading evidence to Stewards during an investigation into a breach of Racing NSW COVID-19 policy.

Plea: Guilty


Stewards considered the following matters when determining the appropriate penalty for both Mr Boal and Ms Taylor:

  1. Guilty plea
  2. No previous breaches under the rules in which charges were issued under
  3. Personal and professional circumstances
  4. Licensing history
  5. Principles associated with breaches under such rules
  6. Precedent penalties

Dean Boal

Charge 1 - AR 227(b) – Party to another person who commits, a breach of the Rules. Stewards determined the appropriate penalty be a period of 6-month disqualification. Having regard to the above-mentioned considerations, a period of 4-month disqualification was issued to commence on 31 July 2020 on which day Mr. Boal was stood down and to expire on 30 November 2020.

Charge 2 - AR 232(i) False and Misleading Evidence. Stewards determined the appropriate penalty be a period of 6-month disqualification. Having regard to the above-mentioned considerations, a period of 4-month disqualification was issued to commence at the expiration of the penalty issued under AR227(b) on 30 November 2020 and to expire on 31 March 2021.

Kylie Taylor

Charge 1 - AR232(b) Fail to comply with a direction or requirement of Stewards, Stewards determined the appropriate penalty be a period of 6-month disqualification. Having regard to the above-mentioned considerations, a period of 4-month disqualification was issued to commence on 31 July 2020 on which day Ms. Taylor was stood down and to expire on 30 November 2020.

Charge 2 - AR 232(i) False and Misleading Evidence. Stewards determined the appropriate penalty be a period of 6-month disqualification. Having regard to the above-mentioned considerations, a period of 4-month disqualification was issued to commence at the expiration of the penalty issued under AR232(b) on 30 November 2020 and to expire on 31 March 2021.

Mr. Boal and Ms. Taylor were advised of their right of appeal.

Relevant Rules

Division 2 – Powers in relation to misconduct and other offences

AR 227 Breaches of the Rules
Without limiting any other powers, a PRA or the Stewards may penalise any person who:

 (b) attempts to commit, aids, abets, counsels, procures, connives at, approaches or requests another person to commit, conspires with another person to commit, or is a party to another person who commits, a breach of the Rules. 

AR 232 Failure to observe processes and directions of PRAs or Stewards
A person must not:

 (b) fail or refuse to comply with an order, direction or requirement of the Stewards or an official;

  (i) give any evidence at an interview, investigation, inquiry, hearing and/or appeal which is false or misleading.

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