Please note the following Racing NSW Stewards inquiries.
Jockey Sam Clipperton – Irish Songs (17 August 2019)
Racing NSW Stewards have issued a charge against jockey Sam Clipperton under AR129(2) for failing to take all reasonable and permissible measures to win or obtain the best possible place in the field on his mount Irish Songs, following his ride on the gelding in Race 3 on the Kensington Track on Saturday, 17 August 2019. The hearing of the charge is scheduled to be conducted at 9am on Wednesday, 4 September 2019 at the offices of Racing NSW.
Jockey Kathy O’Hara
Racing NSW Stewards have requested jockey Kathy O’Hara and another licensed person to attend an inquiry at the offices of Racing NSW at 1pm on Tuesday, 10 September 2019, so the Stewards can continue an inquiry opened into the possession of her mobile telephone in the jockeys' room at Kembla Grange on Thursday, 8 August 2019.