Free Horse Safety Advice Workshops - valuable for Trainers, Race Clubs & other Employers
SafeWork NSW is running free presentations across NSW on our new Code of Practice – Managing risks when new or inexperienced riders or handlers interact with horses in the workplace which aims to provide safety advice to people who work with or around horses.
One paid worker and ten other people are hospitalised each day in Australia due to a horse-related injury. These injuries often occur at workplaces like farms, race tracks, riding schools and trail riding businesses.
Falls from a horse are the most common cause of horse-related fatal injuries. Come along and take this opportunity to learn more about work health and safety and the code of practice.
Qualifying Small businesses who attend these workshops will also be eligible for a small business rebate up to $500.
Small businesses who attend the workshops can also obtain information and an application form for a safety rebate to purchase eligible items for safety solutions.
Register for a FREE workshop at (search "horse safety").
Any Questions? call 02 49212900 or email
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