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Vale Mr Martin 'Herbie' Eveleigh

Racing NSW has been informed of the passing of Mr Martin 'Herbie' Eveleigh, late of Scone, who died on Saturday, 9th April 2022.

Herbie was aged 84 years and is survived by wife Daphne, children Bettina, Phillip and Sharon and all his grandchildren and great grandchildren.

He will be sadly missed by all his family and friends with a private family funeral service to be held.

Following is an excerpt from Martin ‘Herbie’ Eveleigh: ‘Local Legend’ by W.P. Howey
Apparently he was christened Martin Eveleigh; but never known by his mother’s specially chosen Sunday name. He was always just ‘Herbie’.

During the time White Park was the official home for the Scone Race Club (1947-1994) Herbie Eveleigh graduated from apprentice rider to master jockey.

No-one knew the not-so-sublime subtleties of the tight little course better than Herbie. His inaugural mentor (master) was the late Scott Johnston based at Tyrone Stud on the extreme northern edge of the township.

Martin ‘Herbie’ Eveleigh returns to scale on his own horse Bo Yanko in the 1989 Aberdeen Cup run at White Park, Scone

Rumour has it that from the age of 14 or even less young Herbie walked across the paddocks from the Eveleigh family home on Noblet Road to ride work for Mr Johnston. School attendance became irregular. Herbie’s future was set. There were more regular ‘works outs’ and trackwork commitments at White Park.

Knowledge of home track conditions gave Herbie a significant advantage at the local meetings. However, his skill set improved to the extent he became champion apprentice in the Newcastle, Hunter and Central Coast Racing Association. He graduated later to champion jockey (number of winners) within the same jurisdiction.

This was a major achievement with jockeys of the calibre if Bill and John Wade based with major trainers at Broadmeadow in Newcastle. Herbie also rode regularly in the North and North West Racing Association area rarely venturing outside these two domains. There was enough to be done near home.

Most of Herbie’s early wins came at the behest of his master Scott Johnston. Scott had a great team to train on behalf of an elite clientele. Many owners were pastoral beneficiaries of the Korean War inspired ‘pound-a-pound’ wool boom of the 50s and early 60s.

Many successful graziers from the Upper Hunter and especially the Merriwa district could indulge their every whim. For many this was the means to afford racehorses. ‘Pitlochry’ raced by Mr Geoff Hordern and ‘Farnham Castle’ owned by Mr S E Edwards were extremely prolific winners for all concerned. I think Herbie won about 40 races on each? It amounted to a great score for the little local champion jockey.

There is no doubt Herbie Eveleigh is a local living legend of the racetrack. Now over 80 he’s a great credit to himself and his extended family. Still active and competitive he breeds, breaks, trains and races his own. He’s not strictly licensed; but who said anything about rules?

On Noblet Road you make your own laws; and claim adjacent ‘Crown Land’ territory for grazing rights. Herbie has a very sharp mind and razor wit. I can only rarely match him.

Recently my spouse Sarah and I were out leading our little Jack Russell ‘Joe’. Sarah ‘held the reins’. Herbie deadpanned: ‘You’ve got the chain on the wrong one’!

Herbie won the Scone Cup twice: on ‘Sky Sailor’ in 1967 for Ron Rose of Singleton and trainer A Cox plus ‘Norm Park’ in 1977 for trainer R Wann from ‘out West’.


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