Racehorse trainer Bob Milligan, 76, is recovering at John Hunter Hospital after being injured at Taree Racecourse on Saturday (31st March) morning.
Update at 4pm on Wednesday 16th May: The Milligan Family is awaiting further results from brain scans from the neurosurgeon. Bob has woken up himself the last two days which is a positive sign.
Update at 3pm on Thursday 10th May: Mrs Milligan has reported Bob is still in ICU (six weeks now). He had to go back into surgery last week but managed to go for a small walk yesterday.
Update at 2:30pm on Wednesday 11th April: Bob had a rough day yesterday and is back in ICU but is much better this morning. His wife has been able to have a conversation with him but they are still waiting to see the facial surgeon.
Update at 4:30pm on Thursday 5th April: Racing NSW's Dr David Duckworth has reported Bob is still in ICU but has been extubated. He is conscious and has a reasonable memory and does not appear to have suffered any major brain damage. Bob's face is still very swollen and the surgeons are waiting for the swelling to settle. He will then require extensive facial surgery to repair the fractured facial bones in the next week to 10 days. It is expected Bob will be in hospital for another few weeks.
Update at 9am on Tuesday 3rd April: Bob's wife Margaret said: "No-one knows exactly what happened but Bob was found face down in the wash bay. He has multiple fractures to his face but is now out of the induced coma. Doctors told us there is no brain damage and he is starting to respond to nursing staff."