A bit of drought relief is in sight for those attending Gilgandra’s Collie Cup next weekend (Saturday 18 August) with Gilgandra Lion’s Club holding a free raffle of square hay bales for anyone
attending the day receiving a chance to win.
Many in rural communities are struggling to feed livestock with the ongoing drought so Gilgandra Lion’s Club, with the help of other local businesses and organisations, hopes to ease the burden where they can. Having raised money earlier in the year to purchase hay bales, the club plans to raffle them away as prizes at the Collie Cup race meeting in a free raffle.
Racing action is at Gilgandra this Saturday with a drought relief meeting. Image by Janian McMillan (Racing Photography)
Upon entry at the race meeting, every person will have their name entered in the draw to ensure and any winners who do not need their bale will be able to donate it to someone else in attendance.
“We currently have four bales confirmed and would welcome additional donations to allow more bales to be given away,” said Gilgandra Jockey Club President, Andrew Schier, who has been working with Gilgandra Lion’s Club to ensure the raffle and the day is successful.
“The Collie Cup is one of our biggest meetings of the year drawing people from all over the region so it’s going to be great seeing people taking a bale of hay home.”
Andrew Schier also said the Jockey Club will be donating numerous chaff bags so that the racing community can benefit too.
With four large square hay bales already secured and with increasing interest from many individuals and businesses, there is the possibility of more, with the Gilgandra Lion’s and Jockey Club encouraging anyone who wants to be involved to contact them.
“We want to help the farmers and the community out, these are tough times,” said Doug Diggs from Gilgandra Lion's Club.
Andrew Schier concluded by encouraging anyone interested in supporting drought-affected communities to get out to Gilgandra and have a great day.
“The media support highlighting the drought has been great, but people in Sydney, Newcastle, and other places that want to help can grab some friends, jump in the car and head out to Gilgandra. There are plenty of motels, the beer will be cold and there will be hundreds of friendly local people that would love to see some visitors make the effort to come out and show their support.”
The Collie Cup is held at Gilgandra Racecourse on Saturday 18 August and the SKY2 TAB meeting will have a six-race program with gates opening at midday. The day will include live music and Fashions on the Field with over $1000 in prizes up for grabs. Stay up-to-date via the Club's Facebook page.