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Injured Jockey Update - Nyssa Burrells (Warwick Farm Trackwork)

Apprentice jockey Nyssa Burrells suffered a fall during jump-outs on Friday, 29th December 2017 when the horse she was riding fell and landed on her.

Update Monday, 26th February 2018:   Nyssa is now at home recovering after being discharged from Liverpool Hospital last Friday (23rd February). Nyssa spent exactly eight weeks in hospital and Racing NSW’s Dr Duckworth reports Nyssa is doing well but will need some ongoing outpatient rehabilitation.

Update Sunday, 18th February 2018:   Racing NSW's Dr Duckworth has reported Nyssa went home on Friday and Saturday this weekend. She is progressing really well and hopefully will be discharged from Liverpool Hospital next Friday to go home. Nyssa will still need ongoing outpatient therapy for a few months.

Update Friday, 9th February 2018:  Dr Duckworth reports that Nyssa is doing very well in her recovery. She is going home from hospital on Saturday night and will return the next day. Nyssa's memory is improving as is her walking and talking. No definite date has been set for her discharge.

Update Friday, 2nd February 2018:  Injured apprentice jockey Nyssa Burrells is meeting all milestones in her recovery. Her neck brace has been removed. She is talking and responding better to family and she also passed a post-traumatic amnesia test earlier in the week. She is still undergoing extensive rehab at Liverpool Hospital.

Update Thursday, 25th January 2018:  Dr Duckworth has reported that, physically, Nyssa is going well. She is talking a lot better and making more sense, however, she is still getting confused at times and has trouble with her memory. Nyssa has post-traumatic amnesia but is improving and is still undergoing extensive rehab at Liverpool Hospital.

Update Saturday, 20th January 2018:  Dr Duckworth reports that Nyssa is still in the brain injury unit. She is continuing with her rehabilitation and slowly progressing with her walking, speech and memory. She is still a little confused at times but is steadily improving.

Update at midday on Wednesday, 17th January 2018: Dr. Duckworth reports Nyssa Burrells is now in the brain injury unit at Liverpool Hospital and is improving daily. She is going for walks with assistance and is getting stronger each time. She is communicating with family members but still at times is confused. She will hopefully steadily improve over the next few weeks but still has a long way to go.

Update at 2pm on Friday, 12th January 2018: Dr Duckworth reports that Nyssa is improving slowly at Liverpool Hospital. She is more awake but still has a long way to go in regards to her speech and co-ordination.

Update at 8:20am on Thursday, 11th January 2018: Dr Duckworth reported Nyssa Burrells was moved to the ward at Liverpool Hospital yesterday and has improved a lot. She is recognising her family and actually had some chocolate mousse last night which is obviously great news. Nyssa has started to talk as well.

Update at 7pm on Tuesday, 9th January 2018: Nyssa is now out of her induced coma at Liverpool Hospital, is starting to sit up and make eye contact with her family and is talking a bit. Her father, Richard, reports that she is starting to recognise family and they continue to take everything one day at a time. She has contracted a chest infection which will keep her in ICU until that is resolved. Dr Duckworth has added that Nyssa is moving all limbs and responding to simple commands. Her recent brain CT Scan was encouraging with less swelling. Things are positive at this stage.

Update at 7pm on Saturday, 6th January 2018: Dr Duckworth reported Nyssa has had her tube removed and is breathing on her own, which is great news. She is still on light sedation and opening her eyes. She is starting to move her limbs as well. Probably her best day so far with doctors still monitoring her in ICU at least for another 3 to 4 days.

Update at 10pm on Thursday, 4th January 2018: Dr Duckworth has reported Nyssa has started to open her eyes a little and is on less sedation - these are obviously positive signs.

Update at 4pm on Wednesday, 3rd January 2018: Nyssa still remains stable in ICU at Liverpool Hospital. Nyssa’s father Richard said that doctors have stopped giving her sedatives and her condition remains the same, which is as good as can be expected. Richard said that it remains a waiting game as they see how she slowly she starts to respond, stating that it will take time.

Update at 1:45pm on Tuesday, 2nd January 2018: Dr Duckworth has reported that Nyssa remains stable in ICU at Liverpool Hospital with no change. Doctors are still monitoring her pressures and slowly decreasing her sedation.

Update at 2pm on Sunday, 31st December 2017: Dr Duckworth reported that Nyssa Burrells remains stable in ICU at Liverpool Hospital where they are still monitoring her intracranial pressures. In the next 24 to 48 hours, doctors will try to decrease her sedation and see if she starts to respond.

Update at 8:50pm on Saturday, 30th December 2017: Nyssa remains in an induced coma at Liverpool Hospital. Dr Duckworth reports that Nyssa had another CT scan which was unchanged from yesterday. Doctors are still monitoring the pressure on her brain and the next 48 hours will be crucial.

Support is being provided to Nyssa Burrells's family during this difficult time and Racing NSW apprentice jockey mentor, Mark de Montfort, visited the hospital today as has racing chaplain, Rev. Colin Watts. Father Tom from Liverpool parish is also visiting the hospital today to offer support. The family is in good spirits under the circumstances.

Update at 10am on Saturday, 30th December 2017:
Nyssa's condition has remained stable overnight following yesterday's operation to drain blood from her brain.

Nyssa will continue to be closely monitored by doctors over the next 24 to 48 hours as she remains in a coma at Liverpool Hospital. Her family is by her bedside in good spirits.

Update at 5pm on Friday, 29th December 2017:
Nyssa is out of surgery and has been placed back in the ICU at Liverpool Hospital. The next 24 to 48 hours will be critical, with constant monitoring by doctors.

Update at 11:55am on Friday, 29th December 2017: Racing NSW's Dr David Duckworth has reported Nyssa is in an induced coma at Liverpool Hospital and has had a bleed on her brain. She is in the operating theatre now having the bleed drained from her brain.

Nyssa also has numerous other injuries that will need managing later on. More will be known in the next 24 hours depending on how she responds to the brain surgery but Nyssa has been listed as being in a critical condition.

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